Hi, my name is Sameer Karodia

and I am a Software Engineer

════ About Me ════

Hello, my name is Sameer Karodia and I am pursuing my second year of Software Engineering at Ontario Tech University, where I am building a strong understanding of version control, cutting-edge software tools and gaining insight into a variety of different programming languages. I am especially interested in Web Development and App Development where I can utilize my skills in front-end and back-end technologies to build responsive, user-friendly applications that solve real-world problems.

════ Skills ════











════ Projects ════

Online Carpooling Website

Developed a full-stack, user-friendly carpooling website that provides a seamless platform for users to share and find rides. The website features functionality for posting new rides, searching for available rides based on origin and destination, and viewing past user data, including rides taken and rides posted. This project highlights a robust integration of front-end and back-end technologies to deliver an intuitive and reliable experience for users.

HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL

Receipt Storing System

Developed a receipt management system to streamline organizing and analyzing personal spending. The system allows users to input, store, and retrieve receipts from various stores, calculate total and overall spending, categorize receipts by type, and associate them with specific customers and stores. Generates detailed spending reports and tracks payment methods using polymorphism. Robust error-handling also ensures reliability, addressing invalid inputs and missing data effectively.

Java, VS Code